Official Site of the EPC Story Contest

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition



“Telling Our Side of the Story”

The volunteers and staff of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition are proud to invite all of our readers, and friends, to participate in our exclusive EPC creative messaging contest.

For the better part of fifty years, we have been inundated with euthanasia propaganda portraying life as meaningless, death as freedom, despair as wisdom, hopelessness as courage, the abetting (and suggestion) of suicidal desires as an act of love.

It is high time (and more than time) for us to clean up this mess by “Telling Our Side of the Story”!

We call upon all of our readers and supporters to submit euthanasia stories that are true, or fictional, or any combination of the two. This is the chance to set your heart (and your imagination) free, in both condemning nihilistic death and extolling the beauty of life.

Accepted stories will be published on the EPC site (and possibly be featured in a printed collection). Once we have received a sufficient number of contributions, we will award a first prize of 500.-$. Future editions of the contest will evolve as we go along.

For maximum flexibility and creative potential, there will be few rules.

  • Anybody can send anything
  • Videos will also be considered
  • Judges’ decisions will be arbitrary and without appeal
  • Author privacy will be scrupulously respected (as desired)

Let us joyfully carry this exciting enterprise into the cultural domain. Join us, today, in “Telling Our Side of the Story”!

Warmest Regards,

Gordon Friesen
President, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

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