Category: Uncategorized

  • The Gatekeeper

    By Melinda Joy Polet It’s my second time meeting Dr. Lee. My first impression, unfortunately while in a chemically induced coma, was blurry. He was short, his back was to me, and he appeared as though he was on his way to somewhere else. He saw the two young women I’ve been chatting with, then […]

  • Whose is the decision? by Fabian Stahle

    A patient is depressed after receiving the diagnose of a serious illness and therefore wants to end it all. The doctor, who has known the patient for quite a long time, perceives the patient’s death wish as an indication of psychological stress, caused by the sense of hopelessness and fear of the future, and concludes that the patient, given the present depressive condition, is not capable to decide about such a final action.